Tuesday 20 October 2015

Considering the 'character' of a pub - The Odd One Out, Colchester.

Character can take years to create but only weeks to destroy. 

Sadly I have seen this happen to many pubs over the years. Perhaps one of the few negative results of a prosperous and ever improving beer scene is that, often, a pub will only get one chance to prove itself to a curious customer. All it takes is one below average pint and they may be gone, never to be seen again. Luckily, many people (I would hope) will give a venue a few tries before reaching a firm conclusion, and by that time the ‘character’ of a place may be cemented within their minds, for better or worse.

Below is a semi stream-of-conscious piece with only minor edits on what the character of one particular pub means to me. Visit made last week.

I am on Mersea Road. It is downcast with the sort of murky rumblings that make the premise of a pint lurch from one of enjoyment to an almost necessity. From the outside, to those unaware of what lies within, it could be seen as an imposing building of blank brick and curtained windows. The first thing to brush these doubts aside with an almost nonchalant flick of the wrist is in the pub sign itself. A character from Alice in Wonderland, the Mad Hatter, is reaching over a bar as if in the middle of a compelling debate or the climax of an anecdote. Clutching a tankard no doubt containing ale of most alluring content, his large hat and gesticulating expression is an apt summary of the pleasing, yet potentially perplexing moments you may find within.

I go tumbling down the rabbit hole.  

Only one step in and it hits me; a tranquil nod of immediate warmth, both from the open fire opposite and the pockets of conversation from the people within. All the tables in the first part of the pub are wooden and well worn. The chairs are those you only ever seem to find in old style pubs. They are all green or red and are made from a material I cannot quiet work out with wooden backs and, in some cases, simple arm rests run smooth I like to imagine from years of being rested on. These are the sort of chairs you find yourself slowly sinking into as the pints and conversation flow freely without awkwardness.

Before you even reach the bar you cannot help but absorb the history of the pub. Above the fire on a small mantelpiece are numerous awards from CAMRA, some many years apart. The walls are a faded patterned wallpaper of yellow and are covered with beer mirrors, beer advertisements as well as a glass cabinet of spirits for off-sale. I have never seen it used personally.

 I see and consider this all in mere seconds. It is an instant feeling of contentment, of an inherent character that so many pubs strive for but never achieve. I felt it the first time I stepped within the pub walls around eight years ago and still feel now. The sense of history of just how much this pub must have heard and absorbed over the years is almost staggering.

Moving from carpet to bare wooden boards of the narrow but central area are six cask hand pulls resting within the middle of the wooden bar. Next to them are small barrel of still cider.  I may love my huge hop bombs or enormous imperial stouts, but in a place like the Odd One Out (affectionately known as the Oddie by the locals) my mind is on one thing – the simple but very satisfying mild. I am not disappointed as I find Gannet Mild on tap. The price is £2.98. Pricing to the penny is another one of those quirks of the Oddie. 

The pint pours deep ruby with a nice half finger of white head made of small bubbles. I sit down by the fire and consider it. The smell is of earthy hops. The flavour reminds me of dark fruits with a lovely malt backbone. It is an easy and enjoyable beer with a solid body that goes against the possible expectation from a beer that is only 3.3%. It transports me mentally to an almost serene sense of satisfaction, the type of moment where everything else just melts away to leave the simple pleasure of enjoying a good pint in good surroundings without a care or worry in the world. A particularly eager and infectious laugh cuts through this daydream and I cannot help but smile even though I have no idea what was said.

The pint is gone before long and I buy another. Sadly this is only a short stop so I avoid engaging in conversation with the friendly and often gregarious customers of the pub, for to do so would be to seal my fate that night – only emerging when time is called and the head is swimming in both merriment of beer and chatter. Instead I choose to sit and be content, soaking up the atmosphere in almost parasitic fashion.

I could ramble on more and describe the rest of the pub, of John the owner, or the numerous antics and stories I have enjoyed and delighted in retelling, but this piece was to describe the character you feel on a visit and so I will bring this to an end.

I finish my pint and I leave, a quick nod of thanks to the barman and out I go, already wishing I was still inside and feeling guilty I do not make it there enough anymore  Perhaps one day I won’t get the chance if current trends of pubs continue.

That is what the Odd One Out means to me, and what I think of when people mention ‘character’ in regards of pubs. 

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